Monday, March 26, 2007


Well much has changed in the 7 months since my last entry! As of November, I am engaged to my lovely Andrea - we are gettin' hitched in August! It's hard to believe life is taking such a dramatic change for us, but we couldn't be more excited to "do life" together. August isn't coming fast enough...

In the meantime, Andrea is finishing up school at Salisbury, and I'm living with the parents (until the wedding, obviously.) While sometimes its hard not to wish the time away, I'm trying to learn all I can from this unique situation. I'm finding it harder to spend quality time with God while everything else seems to be pulling me away from this relationship which should be the foremost of my life. I think God is teaching me that the pursuit of Him is a joy, but also a discipline. I can't simply expect things to turn out fine if I'm only giving Him the scrapings of my time and energy.

This past Sunday, I ditched Sunday school in favor of studying the Word by myself (albeit at Starbucks.) I do usually go to Sunday school, but sometimes I feel I would be better prepared to worship corporately by being alone first. Anyhow, I decided to read through Joshua again. I would venture to say it's my favorite Old Testament book. Joshua's courageousness and confidence awakes a desire in my heart to be more courageous in my faith. I love his confidence because it is not in himself, but in the Lord's ability. I find myself often afraid to let go of my life and let Christ unleash his beauty and aliveness in me. Control is something we humans hunger for, yet ironically, when we have too much of it, disaster ensues. I want to be one who hurls his entire existence into Christ's arms in order that Christ can manifest himself in that life. This is what I want to be known for.

I'm seriously hoping to write here more often. Maybe like once a week, at least. Anyhow, that's it for now. Peace!