Monday, July 24, 2006
Not addicted...yet...
I drink coffee almost every morning. They always have a pot brewing at Strickland Fire Protection, where I work. Previous to this job, I never drank coffee. The combined elements of bad breath, increased chances of kidney stones, tooth discoloration, and that I simply didn't really care for the taste, all pointed to a fairly obvious decision to "say no to joe." Upon starting this job, however, I figured that if the coffee was there, free for my consumption, I might as well give it a try. After all, although I've never cared for coffee, I've always liked the idea of having something hot to drink in the morning. Thus I began my ritual of heading straight for the coffee station when I come into work. And I have to say I actually like coffee now, (granted I have a child-like sweet tooth, and consequently add irrational amounts of cream and sugar) but I don't think I'm addicted. I only drink it during the week, and I do fine Saturday and Sunday mornings without it. So it shall then be my objective to continue drinking it, whilst avoiding dependence of any kind. Is this even possible, I wonder? Most regular coffee-drinkers I know are always staying stuff like "I need my cup of coffee every morning," or "Don't even talk to me until after I've had my coffee." I would never want to become this way, where my overall mood is determined by the amount of caffeine in my bloodstream. Rather, I'd like to be able to enjoy a hot cup of joe in the morning, as a bonus, not a necessity. "Everything in moderation," as Socrates said. Was it Socrates? Plato? Aristotle? I forget. Anyhow, at this point I'm rambling. Probably the caffeine kick I'm on right now.